Hi everyone! I apologize for my long absence here at my blog! The first of December is always a bit crazy as I get my holiday decorations up and do some cleaning along the way. I’ve also been catching up on things that were neglected while I was busy traveling & working—cleaning out closets, washing curtains and bedding and all that fun stuff—NOT LOL! I have 2 more trees to finish up today and I’m all done—the kids put their trees up in their rooms so we are at a total of 11 trees. Tree 12 was supposed to be on the patio but the stand is broken and I have yet to find a replacement tree in the stores and tree 13 was to be animal themed but I am not going to get that one done this year. Riley has come down with viral pneumonia and as most of you know has asthma really bad as well—so he’s been pretty sick and we’ve been tending to him. And then I have been sick as well so I am just a bit slower this year than normal but that’s ok—I got done what I needed to and I’m happy. I will share pics of all the trees soon---I have to get greenery from the yard and its been raining/sleeting for 2 days so waiting for it to all dry out before I bring it in the house and then I’ll take the final pics of the house. We did have a beautiful day to “hunt” 2 of our real Christmas trees, in the mid-50’s and we found 2 extra special ones for our house. Below are a few pics—the big tree is 13 ft and is in our family room (oh that was fun to decorate, hee hee).
(Photos: me and Alexa at the tree farm, the kids & I with our 13 ft tree, my dog Casey dressed as “ELF” and 2 of my kitties in one of my decorations boxes)![]()
I’ve also been through the wringer in a bad,bad way I am sorry to say. I won’t go into too many details though, those of you that know me well are aware of the situation & I thank you for your support. I have been burned bad by someone that I trusted, put my trust into for others as well and then got slapped in the face after the fact. I’m still waiting for a resolution at this point and hoping for the best but that remains to be seen. This has been ongoing for the past few weeks and it has seriously dampened my mood and stressed me beyond comprehension. I don’t understand how someone can be so manipulative, two-faced and a thief and manage to run a business that caters to people who trust you and rely on you. To lie to your face over and over again and then look in the mirror and be ok with themselves. How can someone do that? My trust was severely broken and my faith in people very shaken and during one of the most special times of the year for me & my family. I have to say it took a beating on me both mentally & physically and that’s why I haven’t posted much, my spirit was just tired out and I did NOT want to put that out on my blog for you all. BUT I have seen the good in other people, people willing to help above & beyond the call of duty, people who support me and will go to bat for me, and friends that will listen to me vent and I know that they are there for me no matter what. That is TRULY the majority of people I know, people I’m lucky to have as friends and that is what the spirit of the season is about—those that love & care about you. Who want to do good, who want to be a friend, and who want to help. I am so very, very thankful for everyone that is in my life—I’m a very lucky girl no matter what happens. I don’t count my success in money, or classes sold, or miles traveled but in the beautiful friendships I’ve collected along the way and the people that I have been lucky enough to teach & meet as well. So to all of you, a big THANK YOU and I am a lucky girl and I am BLESSED this holiday season with my health, my family and my friends!
-All classes at the CMC Classroom are on Holiday Sale thru Jan.5th! This includes my copic classes AND the Cricut, Distress Inks, Magnolia and Prisma Pencils classes too. They make great gifts as well!
-I just sent out a Holiday/Decmeber News Blast to everyone who is a member of the CMC Classroom site (all are welcome). You can find it HERE as well in case you missed it. It explains all upcoming events at CMC that you won’t want to miss!
-Next trip for me will be in January for CHA in Anaheim! I will be teaching classes there on Saturday before CHA begins and you can sign up at www.cmcroad.com if you are interested—I’d love to see you!
-Starting Dec. 10th the CMC Challenge Group starts a month-long challenge with a HUGE Prize pot! Prizes include a NEW Cricut Mini, a NEW Kindle and lots of gifts from some awesome craft companies! You can create projects to enter AND/OR donate to a worthy cause for an entry. Yes once again I am raising money for a worthy organization this holiday season—let’s see what we can do this year!! Details will be up at the site on the 10th!
This is a holiday project I made for a new Brazilian Crafts magazine—they asked me to create a holiday card for their debut issue! You can see more of the issue HERE and on the page next to me is my friend & DT sister Mindy Baxter as well! This is also a special Mingle card that I sent to my friend Jean Hempel—if you are lucky enough to know Jean, you know what a sweet lady she is. She has always been so kind to me, sending me lovely messages all the time and sharing a bit of her life with me. So I wanted to send her something special for the holidays along with a few fun gifts to let her know how appreciative I am to know her!! So a big thank you Jean for your friendship!! And of course both of my stamps are from Magnolia-licious –the best place in the world to get Magnolia stamps!
I have used cute little “Reindeer Tilda” from Magnolia-licious along with another Magnolia sentiment stamp—she’s from the Merry Little Christmas collection. You can see all the holiday stamps from that collection HERE! The papers are by Bo Bunny “Blitzen” and I used a Sizzix embossing folder for the blue cs and a MS border punch as well. The die mat behind the main image is by Spellbinders and snowflakes done with MS punches. And yes some Stickles in a few spots too!
Remember that Magnolia-licious has a fabulous contest called “The Holiday Wrapped Up Challenge”—fun prizes to be had so come on over & join in!
Thanks everyone & see you back here real soon! Holiday hugz to you all!
Beautiful as usual my friend. Always love everything you do.:-)
ReplyDeleteAnd girl, you know I've got your back anytime anywhere. I feel very blessed to be your friend and love ya to bits!!!! Praying for a resolution this week!!!!!
What a gorgeous card! I sure hope all feel better soon :) I don't know what's going on, but I do understand how you feel! I won't go into details, but people very close to me all my life have shown me their true selves this year, and it is very devastating to say the least. It still bothers me, but there is nothing I can do to fix it...so I just try to keep my chin up...in all it is very hard to trust, even though I know not everyone is like that, it's hard. I guess that's why we put all our trust in God, because he will not fail us, and it will make us stronger in him. I will keep you in my prayers! Hugs! Leah Ann
ReplyDeleteWhat a stunning card, beautiful colours!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear that someone has abused your trust and friendship. I don't know you personally but I do know from the posts that I read that you give an awful lot of your time to people and that is something that the majority of us cherish. I love your vides on Youtube as they are an inspiration. I hope that things work out for you for the best and please don't let any badness or wrong doing take away a wonderful spirit.
Sarah xx :0)
Your cards are just THE best. I love your work, infact, you inspired me to have a go with Copics. One day I will find the money to sign up for your classes. On the subject of 'sleezy' folk. This has happened to me with friends and I'm devasted to say, also with family. A true friend told me to get on with my life and not care about vacuous relationships. I never have since. I am sorry this has happened to you. Roll on happiness eh?
ReplyDeleteHugs Joanne xx
Hey sunshine..I say NAME and SHAME..if someone screwed you over we wanna know about it.
ReplyDeletePeople get really strange this time of year..I guess fatigue makes us a bit looney!
Anywhos I still love ya.
I'm so sorry to hear about your trouble. Your card is absolutely stunning as usual!!!
Card is DARLING...thinking of you and praying for everyone to get healthy and for your issues to come to some resolution...
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne,
ReplyDeletesuch a sweet card dear.
I hope you have been cheer up a bit and the problem will be soon over.
Such a cute card.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry that your have been through such an awful experience whatever it was. When you can't trust the people who are supposed to be trustworthy, it is terrible. You have to trust in yourself and be very careful who you trust again. We learn from all of our life experiences whether good or bad. May this get resolved to your liking. You are a wonderful person.
Goodness my dear Suzanne, I am so very sorry you are having such a rough time with who ever that mean person (company) is and if I knew who it was I'd go beat them up for you, or go give them a piece of my mind for you, though you can probably take care of that yourself.. however that said, I hope it is resolved soon and it can get off your heart and out of our mind. You are too good a person to have anyone hurt you.
ReplyDeleteThe card is so much more beautiful IRL. The colors more vibrant, the gliter more stunning as are all the colors.. Tilda's outfit is colored in the most gorgeous pink that doesn't show up as beautifully as it does in my hands... Thank you so much Suzanne for sending me this gorgeous card and all the goodies which I am not able to let leave my hands yet.. but I will when the right card comes along...
Many Maggie Hugs, Jean
Hi hun first of all I just want to let you know how much I admire you and all you do, I will be honest and say I have always envied you a little, in a nice way not a green envy way, but admiring envy way lol, doing things I could only dream of. What I am trying to say is in the years I have known you on your blog you have always struck me as a very honest funny caring hard working mum, wife, and friend in reading your funny antics and the fab way you tell us about them and about your family in a way we all feel like a little bit of your family. we forget that behind that you are human and a lovely person always willing to help out so when someone hurts someone we care about we feel it to. Try not to focus on that person and let them bring you down. I know its hard not to as humans we do that. If you put all your friends, family, crafty buddies you know from all over the world in a room and the person who has upset you it would put it into perspective how much you are thought of and hun the scales are well in your favour so that makes you a far richer cherished person than this other person will ever be. I always say what goes around comes around so Karma will provale.
ReplyDeleteAnyway enough of my waffle love the card and big friendly hugs to you all the way from sunny UK
Jingle Jolly Hugs
I'm so sorry for the grief you are experiencing, especially now in the season of good will. Keep thinking positive thoughts along with a prayer to the Heavens.
ReplyDeleteHi Suzanne, I'm so very sorry to here that you have been having difficulties with someone lately, they really sound like very unscrupulous people. I hope that you get a resolution to the matter soon.
ReplyDeleteI would just like to say I have been so very grateful for your giving ,sharing nature and the information and creativity you have given to all of us. I know I have gained a great deal from reading your blog and learning in your online classroom. Thankyou for sharing yourself so we can be inspired by your talent. Your card is an absolute delight and it couldn't be sent to a nicer lady
Hugs Julie P
I'm so sorry you've been hurt by someone you trusted. Hope you are all feeling better asap. Hugs!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see a Tilda again. Love her. Cute card! Sorry to hear you're having troubles. Sounds like some company to me. Hope it all works out for the best. Tell your son we wish him well soon. Take care and hang in there. Ed
ReplyDeleteSUZANNE,To lose the trust of someone that you called a friend is so very sad but remember one thing, it is their loss and not yours. I have met you and I do read EVERY post because you always make me feel good. I love your humor, your honesty, your talent, your aspirations and your joy. You are a very honest, caring, giving, talented person and if someone choses to try to deface that, well, let them..We will not stand by and let that happen to you without a fight. Put it out there so that we can take a stand. We do not want to do business without someone like that. I for one care where my money goes and who I promote and I do not want to promote anyone that is 2 faced and dishonest so please do us all a favor and tell us who it is so that we call leave them behind. Do not let this person rob you of your peace and your joy. You have too much love to give and your hubby and children (and us of course) need you so don't let some person that is not even worth your time, take that away from them. We love you and We appreciate EVERYTHING that you do.... Sharman
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute card. Tilda looks so cute sitting on top of Christmas. Love the snowflakes amongst the flowers.
ReplyDeleteSuzanne! Tilda looks Fabulous dah-ling!! I just love the Christmas Maggies well, truth is ....you know I love all the Maggies but the Christmas ones are my favs!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you have been hurt! I agree with Bridget, Wendy and Sharman! Remember all of us that love you which I must say would probably fill a stadium! "Name and Shame" the person that would hurt a positive upbeat honest sweetheart such as you! I definitely don't want to be associated with the negativity this person must be spreading!
I hope you get to feeling much better and also Mr. Riley! Bless his heart he always gets hit hard doesn't he?! Give him a big hug! The trees sound beautiful and can't wait to see the pics!
Put on a big smile! I love you! Big Hugs!
Suzanne, You are such a beautiful person and you make so many people happy with your lovely quirky ways, but unfortunately there are some not very nice people out there who pray on people who do so much good. Easier said than done but try not to let them get you down, as then they take away a little piece of you. You just remember what a good person you are and keep smiling. Sending all good wishes that everything settles down for you soon x joy
ReplyDeleteHave been stalking your blog for a long time literally I love your work and what you do - plus you are so pretty...;-) Sorry that you have had such a crappy time with such untrustworthy rotten people/comany I am just so glad not everyone is like that. Keep your chin up and look to the future with you family and friends and enjoy this christmas ans those other people are not worthy or your time and friendship!
How many trees????
We do one here!
Hugs to you!
Hi Suzanne dear.......... Love the card dear!!! So you are not feeling so well these days. I wish I could reach out and give you a big hug!!! You are such a special friend and it makes it hard when so far apart..
ReplyDeleteFeel better soon..........
oh you are having a time of it! Hoep Riley and yourself make a quick recovery. Sorry to hear you have been stabbed in the back by someone you regarded as a friend. Hope the situation is resolved soon x
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear that Riley is so sick.
ReplyDeleteAs usual your cards are great. Sorry to hear about your problems with your so called friend. Keep the faith, and know you are loved by family, friends, and a lot of us that have learned to love you from taking your classes. Hope all works out soon.
ReplyDeleteHey Suzanne....... First off your card is just adorable as usual. So sweet and colored beautifully! However, the thought of someone not doing right by you just doesn't seem to sit right on this end. As someone who has followed your blog for ages, taken classes from you, been in chats, I feel I can say "I know this woman!", who to me has always been more than gracious to share her talents with all of us before you even offered your classes. It was through YOUR videos that I got turned on to Copic markers in the first place and got bit by the Copic bug! I started following your blog early on, and have been amazed by your talents and generosity to share how you colored or did something. For someone who shares and is to gracious and generous to others, it seems so unfair to have been taken advantage of by someone else. I have but one word to say for that.... and it's "Karma". They will get their return for that behavior, and if you share with us, we in turn will not spread our business there either. How sad for you, yet I'm sure you can see how many you have touched that feel you have been unjustly treated. We know the real you, we know the sharing you, that has been here for us, shared with us and given of herself to help us grow..... that can not be measured easily. I for one will be forever grateful I found you!!!!
ReplyDeleteAdorable card and love your photos! Sorry to hear that you are going through such a stressful time. Hope things get resolved quickly so that you can get back to enjoying the holidays. Hope Riley is feeling better.
ReplyDeleteI have just come across your blog for the first time. I was sorry to read about your problems. I hope that they will soon be resolved.
ReplyDeleteYour creations are beautiful and I have been inspired.
People who truly deserve your trust are those who will never have the courage to lie to you.
Anita x
So pretty, Suz! It is always such a joy to see your work.
ReplyDeleteI'm so very sorry to read about the situation causing you so much stress. It really hurts when it's being done by someone you held dear. Hang in there. Know that there are so many of us that love and appreciate the treasure you are! It's their loss.