Color Me Creative Blinkie Code for ya!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I have the flu.
So I feel like a truck hit me and left me for dead.
I am on Day #4 so far...apparently it takes a week to go away.
oy vey

I also had a frozen pipe burst due to that lovely polar vortex we experienced.
It flooded my laundry, kitchen and basement guest room.
So we have a lot of work to do to get it back to "normal".

Hence why no new posts from me.
This is how I like to ring in the New Year.....not!

But I did color my chair..which is central command when I'm sick.
So I hope to have a project up by Friday.

Hope you are well and have rung in the New Year in a much better way than I!


  1. Oh Suzanne I feel your pain...I was out for the count the whole of last week!!! I had so many husband was in Myrtle Beach golfing for 10 days and visions of crafting danced in my head but alas all I managed to get done was a lot of TV/couch time and I am NOT a TV/couch kinda gal!! GET WELL SOON!!!!!

  2. Hope you get rid of the nasty flu quickly. So sorry you are having to go through all of this. Keep your chin up.

  3. I had it too. Lived in the bathroom for 2 days, then stayed in bed 2 more days, then rested 2 more. Finally back to normal. Feel for you and hope it's better very soon. Hang in there. Edna

  4. Oh so sorry it has come in droves for you, Suzanne. Get well and I hope your household recovers from the freeze.

  5. Hope you're feeling better soon :-)

  6. Hi Suzanne, I hope you're feeling back to your young self again soon :-)

  7. Hugs and prayers coming your get well soon!

  8. So sorry Suzanne that it has hit you so hard, what ever it is... flu, virus, they are calling it so many things.. Me it was a virus so treated with antibiotics, all kind of things and then a trip to the hospital for a week, just couldn't shake it. but depends on your age and health, but you will do just fine. Just sorry about the burst pipes and all the damage to your hard work you had done on the basement. That is a bummer. Thank goodness in the south here we only had weather in the teens.. That was COLD for us though... God bless you Suzanne and get well soon and get back to coloring and designing..
    Lots of healthy hugs, Jean

  9. Oh no, say it ain't so!!!!! Sending you healing hugs from a distance so I don't catch anything!!! (((HUGS))) Feel better soon kiddo!

  10. Well I am glad I am not the only one starting out the new year with issues. Started feeling bad on new years eve. I then lost my voice on New Year's Day and when I finally go to the doctor after day 9 of no voice they tell me I have asthmatic bronchitis. I have NEVER had bronchitis before and I am not asthmatic at all. Then this past Monday had to replace my water heater.

  11. Oh l do feel for you l hope all is sorted pretty quickly take care xx


I appreciate all your lovely comments and taking the time to stop by! hugz,Suzanne